[b][b][i][color=red][font=Courier New][size=20]EXTREMEZONE[/size][/size][/font][/color][/i][/b][/b]

Extreme zone

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Your Age: 20
Your Realname: Hammad Khalil
Your In-Game name: Poison
Where are you from: Pakistan
GamePlay (Hardcore , Promod): both
Your Gameranger-ID: 4675634
How long Have you been playing COD4: 5 Years
In what clans have you been: FZ Eu xG XGm
Do you know how to play clanwars: Yes
Have you ever played clanwars: yes
Do you have Teamspeak 3 en MOSS installed: yes
Why do you think you have what is takes to join us: To improve my self
What would you like to become: Admin
Tell us a bit more about yourself. The more we get to know about you the better (Experience): Im Experienced.
Special Skills (Webdesign, Scripting, PHP ,HTML, ...): Web desining.



welcome to EZ khalil
now u can apply for member


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